
Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia

Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM), or the Malaysian Foundation for Innovation, was founded by the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MO

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Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Malaysian Nuclear Agency

The establishment of Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia) was mooted from idea of the then Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Dr.

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Malaysian Space Agency

The Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) is a fully mandated federal agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), responsibles

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In accordance with the requirements of Section 3, Act 304, the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) was established under the Prime Minister's Depa

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Yayasan Hijau Malaysia

YaHijau plays a pivotal role in promoting and encouraging the participation of Corporate Entities, Communities and the general public towards incre

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Suruhanjaya Tenaga

Energy Commission

A statutory body established under the Energy Commission Act 2001, Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) or the Energy Commission is responsible for regulating t

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