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In accordance with the requirements of Section 3, Act 304, the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) was established under the Prime Minister's Department on 1 February 1985. AELB acts as an enforcement body on Act 304 and subsidiary legislation made under the act. Beginning October 27, 1990, AELB was placed under the MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION. AELB comprises five members appointed by the minister. These members are all qualified in the field of science and technology related to atomic energy.

To ensure all Atomic Energy Activities are Safe, Secured and Safeguarded (3S's) for protecting the Public, Workers and Environment.

To regulate the use of atomic energy for nation's wealth and well being.

An effective regulatory body for Safety, Security and Safeguards in atomic energy activities.

AELB functions as set forth in Act 304 are as follows:
- To advise the Minister and the Government of Malaysia on matters relating to the Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 and the progress of its development particularly on the implications of the development for Malaysia;
- Controlling and monitoring the activity of atomic energy and the matters incidental thereto;
- To establish, maintain and develop scientific cooperation with any body, institution or other organization relating to nuclear matters or atomic energy as the Board deems fit for the purposes of the Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984;
- Where so directed by the Government of Malaysia, to implement or provide for the execution of obligations arising out of agreements, conventions or treaties relating to nuclear or atomic matters of which Malaysia is a party if the treaty, convention or treaty is connected with the purpose - the Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984; and
- To do other matters arising or arising out of the functions of this Board under the Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 which is not contrary to the meaning of the Act, whether directed or not directed by the Minister.

Quality Policy
We are committed:
To provide quality service license applications and enforcement of Act 304 to meet customer needs and satisfaction; and Adhere to the requirements of the Quality System through continuous improvement without disregarding the provisions of the Act 304 "

Quality Objective
To reach the Quality Policy, AELB will:
- Processing license applications not exceeding the period specified in the Client's Charter.
- Conduct inspection at the premises of the licensee at least once during the validity period of the license.
- Provide feedback on customer complaints within three (3) working days.
- Plan and conduct training at least seven days a year or twice a year per staff.


License Not Specified

Other Access

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Data Pemantauan Aras Sinaran Alam Sekitar di Stesen ERMS Kudat, Sabah bagi Tahun 2018 (Jan-Jun)

Data pemantauan aras sinaran alam sekitar (Environmental Radiation Monitoring System, ERMS) di Stesen ERMS Kudat, Sabah bagi Januari-Jun 2018.

Koordinat: 6° 53' 32.28N 116° 50' 42.36E
Data direkodkan setiap 5 saat.
Menggunakan probe Geiger-Muller dan NaI.
Pembahagiaan kolum: tarikh, masa, dos (Geiger-Muller)[uSv/jam], dos(NaI)[uSv/jam]

Data dan Sumber

Bidang Penyelidikan
Natural Sciences
Objektif Sosioekonomi
Alam Sekitar
License Not Specified
Tahap Akses Awam
Release Date


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